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Sabra’s Journey: April 28th, 2017

Good morning! I’m typing this post this morning from 35,000 feet on my way to a very special event out of state.

Last night we had our first training group training practice and it was awesome. I was so nervous when I arrived. I’ve trained on my own but never like this. My biggest concern was that I’d be the slowest one out there. From the moment we started the coaches made me feel more comfortable. There were easily 50 women out there of all different levels, all so supportive and everyone encouraging one another. There was no feeling of first or last.

I am also really excited to be sharing this experience with Dr. Vermillion’s daughter Teresa and my great friend Nina. One of my biggest recommendatio

ns to you when setting any goal, but especially new fitness goals is to have a fitness buddy, it pushes both of you to work harder (especially if they are more experience) and it keeps you accountable. That’s part of why I wanted to share this journey, hopefully, I can serve as a partner to some of you and sharing this with you means I am accountable to you as well.

The c

oaches structured the workout with an independent warm up, then dynamic stretching, the body of the workout, cool down and a strength training section. I will tell you about each section with more detail in the coming weeks. We spent almost 2 hours together and I left feeling…pain (I won’t lie) but also feeling great. I am out of town for the weekend so I’ll miss the first long run on Saturday morning but I’m going to try and get out on my own. That’s the cool thing about running/walking you can do it wherever you are no equipment required!

Hope you all have a great weekend!



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