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What is Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?


As technology has advanced, it has led to high-resolution cameras and monitors that allow surgeons to view and repair your knee joints without the risks of open knee surgery. More than 4 million knee arthroscopies are performed across the world every year, according to the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine.

What is the Arthroscopic Surgery Technique?

Arthroscopic knee surgery is a procedure used to diagnose and treat problems in the knee joint. Your knee surgeon will make an incision in your knee and use that opening to insert a minuscule camera called an arthroscope into your knee joint. The camera allows your surgeon to view your knee joint on a screen and properly assess your condition.

If any serious problems are found, your surgeon can use the small instruments in the arthroscopy to correct the issue. Arthroscopic knee surgery is most often used to diagnose and repair knee problems like a torn meniscus, torn ligaments, or a misaligned kneecap. Arthroscopy allows your surgeon to see, feel, repair or remove damaged tissues surrounding your knee joint.

The Benefits of Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

The major benefit of arthroscopic knee surgery over traditional knee surgery is that it is minimally invasive. During traditional knee surgery, your knee joint is opened and fully exposed, which can cause trauma and increase your risks of infection. Arthroscopic knee surgery eliminates these risks because only two small incisions are made.

Minimally invasive surgery takes less recovery time and can increase the rate of surgical success by decreasing the amount of trauma done to your knee joint. Knee arthroscopy also causes less scarring and less pain than traditional knee surgeries. Unless you are having tendon repair done, recovery from arthroscopic knee surgery takes about six to eight weeks. You should be able to return home the same day of your surgery.

Recovering from Surgery

Depending on your condition, your knee surgeon will likely give you an exercise regimen or recommend a physical therapist to aid your recovery. Be sure to follow all of your medical team’s instructions as closely as possible to help you regain full range of motion in your knee joint.


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